• Get out of zombie mode and off the roller coaster of breakup grief
  • Manage your unbearable obsession, rumination and depression that consumes you of thoughts of your ex
  • Learn the breakup do’s & don’ts and essential self-care survival skills to kick your heartbreak in the butt


  • Finally answer the “why” and understand the underlying reasons for your breakup
  • Identify underlying emotional injuries and dysfunctional internalized beliefs (ex. I'm not enough; I'm flawed; I'm unworthy; I'm unlovable) that negatively impact your thoughts and behaviors and get in the way of forming rewarding romantic relationships
  • Create mental and emotional closure that will free you from your breakup fixation


  • Learn how to practice self-love, create new purpose, rebuild your self-concept and self-worth, and set higher standards for how you want to be treated in a relationship
  • Identify your negative patterns in love, stop choosing the wrong partners who will continue to hurt you, and get crystal clear on exactly what values, traits, and qualities make a perfect match for you
  • Learn how to analyze your dating data, identify red flags and emotionally unavailable partners early on in a budding relationship, and approach dating with confidence and vulnerability so that you can be open to receiving the love that you deeply desire and deserve


***12 weeks of video modules: Weekly go-at-your-own-pace video modules, jam packed with the exact educational information that you need to help you:

♥ Cope with heartbreak

♥ Expand your understanding of the breakup and past relationships and why they haven’t worked out

♥ Heal, let go, and adapt a healthy, positive mindset in which you’ll become more open and vulnerable to receiving the love you desire

♥ Figure out exactly what/who makes an ideal match for you

♥ Date with more confidence, clarity and self-worth

♥ Create lasting love

Each week you’ll have access to over an hour of video trainings created specially for this coaching program. You’ll gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of the entire breakup process and skills required to move on and open yourself up to new love. All of my information is based on science, research and hands-on experience working with hundreds of breakup and dating clients in my experience as a licensed counselor and coach. This program has been EIGHT YEARS in the making and will change your life.

***Exercises: Each week you’ll complete reflective exercises that build off information you’re learning to help you understand your behaviors and patterns in love.The insight gained from these exercises is essential in growing, changing, and moving forward. These are the same thought provoking questions I ask my clients in our 1:1 coaching sessions. Completing the exercises is a mandatory requirement to participate in this program since I want to ensure your success!

***Downloadable PDFs: For many of the concepts I cover in the video modules, I have also created easy-access PDFs for meditations, checklists, guides, and inspiration to keep you accountable during the process.

***Private FB group: Access to a private FB community moderated by Samantha. This FB group will provide:

♥ A place where Samantha will be available for your questions and live you never have to feel alone and can get the advice you need! 

♥ A place to discuss weekly assignments and exercises and expand upon concepts

♥ A safe and supportive community with peer accountability and encouragement from people going through similar experiences and who understand what you’re going through 

♥ A place to celebrate your progress, and seek support when you’re feeling stuck

♥ Inspiration to keep you motivated!

Here's a quote from a member of the FB community after Samantha led a live meditation:

“All I can say is thank you, Samantha. After the meditation I cried, yet felt the much needed catharsis from my soul. This has not been easy since my breakup and I have been sitting on an emotional seesaw. I gained much more confidence from hearing from others and knowing that love will conquer all…in this case, self-love and respect and forgiveness. I will be fine, as will all of us. There is someone who will love quirky me for me, and I will recognize him when we meet. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”


Week 1

♥ The reason why you're in excruciating pain and care so much about this breakup

♥ How to process your emotions in a healthy way

♥ Understanding the emotional rollercoaster you’re on and how to survive the 5 stages of grief

♥ Forgiveness and if you really need it to move on

♥ Essential self-care survival skills + self-care tool kit

♥ Best practices for managing your physiological needs during intense times of stress: how to eat for your brain, body & breakup, best bed time tips when you have a breakup on your mind, and how to sweat the sadness away

♥ The breakup do’s and don’ts to live by

♥ The #1 most helpful coping skill in surviving heartbreak

♥ How to manage mutual friends when you’re going through a split

Week 2

♥ A major dose of tough-love to prevent you from impulsively contacting your ex or rationalizing why you should be together

♥ Why love is not a bargain

♥ Determining your own worth

♥ Grieving the future you envisioned together and accepting your new reality

♥ How to reframe your breakup from a failure

♥ Why sleeping together doesn’t mean you’re getting back together

♥ Why you can’t change and control your ex

♥ Why missing your ex doesn’t mean you should get back together

Week 3

♥ Which of the two breakup categories you fall into

♥ How to deal with ghosting and out-of-the-blue breakups

♥ Why being stuck in a “hanging-on hookup” dynamic is so toxic and how to finally break free

♥ What emotional abuse looks like and why it could be keeping you trapped in breakup hell

♥ How to cut cold turkey

♥ Imperative breakup boundaries

♥ How to create closure and finally let go

Week 4

♥ Understanding your brain on a breakup and how this physiological response to your heartbreak can set your emotions free

♥ How to find mental relief from rumination and despair

♥ Mindfulness exercises created specifically to help you overcome your breakup

♥ Anxiety and obsession management tools

♥ The secret weapon for depression

Week 5

♥ Finally uncover and understand the real reasons behind your breakup, even if your ex couldn’t articulate why

♥ Gain insight and awareness into the relationship and no longer feel confused and in the dark about why it ended

♥ Understand the 4 major reasons for a breakup

♥ Learn about your attachment style and how it impacts your adult romantic relationships (this is HUGE in picking an ideal match in the future!)

♥ Deal with dark feelings of shame and not feeling good enough

♥ Learn how your self-concept has been altered by the relationship that just ended

♥ Figure out who I am without you

Week 6

♥ How to reframe your breakup pain into wisdom gained

♥ Understanding how your love languages played into your breakup

♥ How to turn your breakup baggage into love lessons, which will guide everything you do moving forward in love

♥ Explore and identify emotional injuries that cause destructive beliefs about yourself and love and keep you stuck repeating the same negative patterns

♥ Reflective exercises on your relationship with your ex

Week 7

♥ How to be intimate and vulnerable with yourself first before others

♥ How to practice self-love

♥ Worthiness exercises

♥ Redefining your sense of self and accepting who you are

♥ How to practice self-forgiveness

♥ How to listen to your inner voice and trust your intuition

♥ Creating a new sense of purpose + goals

Week 8

♥ Preparing to put yourself back out in the dating market

♥ Identifying your fears around dating

♥ Challenging negative thinking and limiting beliefs that don’t serve you

♥ How to operate from a mindset of abundance and hope rather than scarcity and fear

♥ The importance of timing in finding love

♥ Figuring out if you’re ready to start dating + assessment

♥ Special dating mindset meditation

Week 9

♥ How to let go of life’s timelines, stop beating yourself up and embrace where you are

♥ Exercises on increasing confidence

♥ How confidence plays into your love life

♥ The defenses you create that keep love away

♥ Exercise on taking off your armor and embracing your authentic self

♥ Vulnerability breathing meditation

♥ Figuring out exactly the type of partner you deserve

♥ Be weary of the Franken-boyfriend effect

Week 10

♥ The dating mindsets you MUST have to be successful in finding love

♥ How to take off your armor and develop a new framework for attracting and receiving love

♥ Dating from a place of worth and authenticity

♥ How to lose your taste for emotionally unavailable partners (the last thing you want to do is find another person who can’t give you the love that you need)

♥ How to develop a deeper connection

♥ Your brain on a date: how to stop freaking out and chill out

♥ Fitting-in versus belonging

Week 11

♥ In-depth dive into Samantha’s ideal match theory

♥ Rating your ex and on the ideal match scale

♥ Exploring the concept of settling and good enough

♥ Identifying deal breakers (no superficial BS allowed!)

♥ How to figure out which flaws you’re willing to accept in a partner versus what’s a firm deal breaker

♥ How personality plays into your ideal match

♥ What traits to look for in a partner based on your own personality

Week 12

♥ Learn about all of the essential ingredients to creating a successful relationship (hint: it takes waaay more than love!)

♥ Identify your core values and how these impact the life you want to live

♥ Learn exactly which core value questions to ask a new partner

♥ Create a vision for the future life you want to live

BONUS!!!: When you commit to the Breakup Bounce Back program, you’ll also get FREE ACCESS to my DATE SUCCESSFULLY program content!


1) Video modules in which you’ll learn:

♥ Mindset work to prepare you for re-entering the dating market with confidence and the skills to find your ideal match

♥ Concrete tips for creating a stellar online dating profile and messaging strategy

♥ How to be more approachable and meet people “in the wild”

♥ A list of great places to meet people in real life

♥ First date etiquette

♥ Exercises to gain clarity and figure out exactly what you’re looking for in an ideal match

♥ Text prompts to turn someone down when you’re not interested

♥ How to tell if the person you’re dating is emotionally unavailable

♥ How to know if a new relationship is on track for success

♥ How to know when you’ve met your ideal match


2) Meditations, checklists, and exercises to help you get the most out of your dating life

3) Dating Dictionary so you can stay up to date with modern dating terms and concepts, which are constantly changing due to the impact of technology on our love lives (updated as new terms and trends appear in the media and on the dating market)!


The bonus in itself is worth the price of the Breakup Bounce Back program! So why am I giving an entire program away for free? No, it’s not because I’m crazy, but because I want to reward you for taking action right now to recover from your breakup.The sweetest gift I can imagine giving is to help you find love again after heartbreak.I’m providing INSANE VALUE because you deserve to have the love life that you deeply desire.

All of the program content is based on years of research, client work, and concrete skills that I've taught singles to meet their ideal match and create love lives that thrive. 

Everything is laid out for you in a step-by-step, systematic way. 

All you need to do is trust that you came across this program for a reason at this exact time in your life, get out of your own way, and get started!


About the instructor

Relationship Coach & Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Samantha Burns, The Millennial Love Expert

I know you're writhing in pain right now, fixated on your ex, and ruminating about WHY this breakup happened. You're sick of living in "zombie mode" where you're barely able to function; it's hard to eat and sleep, and you vacillate between excruciating emotional pain and total numbness to the world.  It feels like you'll never get over it, but you know you can't continue living life this way. You've lost your identity somewhere in the relationship that just ended. You can't remember who you were or what life felt like before your ex. You're stuck in the confusion, anger, sadness, worry, anxiety, depression, and fear. Some days you think you're making progress, but then BAM!!! You're hit by a memory, text, or FB post that sends you right back into the obsession and intense emotions. You've got to get off this roller coaster ride. But you don't know how to heal, let go and move forward. You don't even know what forward feels like since you still can't imagine living life with anyone else but your ex.You've burned out your friends (at this point they are telling you to "get over it" or to seek professional help), you've drowned your sorrows in booze and rebound sex, you've eaten your weight in doughnuts and chocolate, or worse, you're suffering and utterly alone.You feel like a failure. Those icky feelings of shame, guilt and embarrassment weigh heavy on your heart.Everyone in your life (and on social media) knows it didn't work out, that you're now singleThe last thing you want to do is start over. You might even worry that you're doomed to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. Why can't you seem to find that forever love? You know, the kind of love you dream about but haven't been able to find (maybe you thought it was your ex)?  The kind of love you see online in those annoyingly adorable #relationshipgoals couples that you love to hate because it makes you pick yourself apart and assume they have some sort of magical quality (beauty, brains, personality) that you don't, or that they are more deserving or worthy of love than you are. You're starting to believe that you're unworthy of reciprocal, unconditional, passionate love.You assume that you are inherently flawed, like you don't matter, that you'll never be enough. You question if you're unlovable. Why do I know how you're feeling? Because I've been there too.My heart was shattered into a million pieces after investing years of love, hope, commitment, time, effort, and finances into a man who mislead me into thinking we were building our futures together.On the day I thought we were getting engaged, all he had to say was, "It's just not right."Typically strong, confident and secure, I felt weak, unwanted, and insecure. I was filled with dread and resentment that I had to start over.The initial breakup convo happened, but then we lived in limbo for 3 months in what I call a "hanging on hookup" situation in which we were still sharing a bed and saying "I love you" despite knowing he was moving away. Questions still swirled through my mind, obsessing about why we broke up, how I could win him back, and why love was not enough to keep us together.I couldn’t sleep, lost weight, and I randomly burst into tears multiple times a day. I felt rejected, abandoned, and completely alone.What I realized is that if I was struggling this much and I was a strong, resilient professional therapist, then other people must be feeling even more emotional and isolated in their heartbreak experiences.There had to be a better way to get out of this breakup hell and reclaim my life...I could continue living in this state of emotional despair and devastation, or I could make some powerful mental and behavioral changes.This was the most pivotal moment of my life and it's exactly where YOU are right now. From personal and professional experience, I can tell you that there's a fabulous, fruitful and gratifying life on the other side of this breakup!!!I can walk you through the darkness to the rewarding love life on the other side.   A big breakup is a life changing event that has the power to shatter your world, affirm all of your negative beliefs about yourself and love, and leave you hurt, helpless and alone. Or...It can be the most inspirational opportunity to learn how to redefine your self-concept, own your worth, step up to create the love life you deserve and find your ideal match.YOU get to decide which path to walk down: to remain in pain, or to transform your life. My vote is for the latter. I opted to find the silver lining in my heartbreak and truly transform my life. I met  the man of my dreams only THREE MONTHS after my breakup.We fell in love, moved in together, and got engaged on the one-year anniversary of our first date!But without the process I developed, I would not have been able or ready to receive the love that I deeply desired. I would have continued to waste time on emotionally unavailable partners, seeking intimacy and closeness they could not fulfill, feeling anxious and insecure in my relationships, and trying to change people in hopes that if I stuck around they would become who I wanted. Had I not done all of the deep work prior to meeting him, I would have never been able to recognize he was exactly what I needed in my life. It was clear he was my person, and he felt the exact same way.The relationship felt easy and natural.In four months of dating he saw and understood all of me, more than my ex of four years ever had.Scientific research actually shows that couples in happy and healthy relationships, live longer, are more creative and better able achieve their individual goals. That’s certainly been the case for us. I attribute so much of what I've been able to accomplish to his encouragement and reassurance. Since dating and getting married, I was so inspired by my breakup journey that I wrote a book, opened a clinical counseling practice and a virtual coaching business by way of which I have developed this exact program specifically for you.I like to say I’m very grateful (my heart is bursting with gratitude), but not lucky.Luck implies it happened by chance, but I intentionally created the life that I’m living. Which means YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN LOVE STORY with my help and the skills I will teach you.Love is not something I can have and you can't.Your love story doesn't happen when you're FINALLY over your ex. It happens right now, the second you commit to getting help and going down the path to transformation.It's time to unpack your baggage and work through it so that you can move freely towards attracting your ideal match, who will love you fiercely and could never imagine living life without you!!!With my help, you will no longer feel lost and alone in this gut-wrenching process. I'll be there holding your hand, cheering you on and giving you the specific tools and strategies to free yourself this breakup misery so that you can bounce back as a more whole, worthy, and confident version of yourself. Though you did not get to this painful point in life on your own, the only person that now stands in your way to happiness  and creating the love life that you desperately desire is not your ex, but YOU.***Can you afford to spend another day in pain? ***Can you afford to yearn for and suffer over someone who doesn't realize and value your worth?***Can you afford to repeat the same patterns that will only result in future heartbreak?***Can you afford to waste your time with dating duds and in unsatisfying relationships?If you said yes to any of these questions, then YOU don't value your own worth.If you answered no to those questions, then it sounds like you are ready to start creating your own love story!So, let's begin it!!!! GO PURCHASE THIS LIFE-CHANGING 12-WEEK PROGRAM!!!Can't wait to work with you!Cheers to love,SamanthaP.S. That was my long-winded way of giving you my street cred, but if you were hoping for a more traditional bio, then here's my professional cred:The Millennial Love Expert, Samantha Burns, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Relationship Coach who specializes in helping you survive a soul-crushing breakup, date with intent to find your ideal match, and create a love life that thrives. Samantha is the author of Breaking Up & Bouncing Back: Moving on to Create the Love Life You Deserve, a self-help book about how to survive a soul-crushing breakup and develop healthy foundational skills to a happy dating life (Dover Publications June 2018).As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Samantha earned her Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology, completing her thesis on gender differences in infidelity and counseling couples through an affair. Samantha works in both her thriving private practice in Boston, Massachusetts and virtually with clients around the world to help individuals and couples with issues around breakups, dating, and increasing relationship satisfaction. She's the founder of, and a contributing expert to national media, such as Huffington Post, Women's Health, Cosmopolitan, Brides, Bustle, Refinery 29,  Elite Daily, Good Men Project, Brit + Co, Good Therapy, Your Tango and many more. 

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